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The Boston Police Department’s Contract is policy, and their budget is the second-largest expenditure in our City’s budget. As we build toward a community-centered process regarding the Boston Police Department’s contract negotiations, given the police’s unique powers in our communities, I will call for the Boston Police Department’s contract negotiations to be made publicly viewable just as City Council hearings are. This will provide a public forum that will facilitate transparency and give us the information we need to make informed decisions while preserving our right to collectively bargain collective barganing
Refers to action taken together by a group of people (typically unions) whose goal is to enhance their work conditions and achieve a common objective.
with represented city employees.
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Communities all across the city are already building alternative models for community safety staffed by neighborhood residents, and several alternative models exist in major cities all across the country. To ensure their success, we need to reconsider when and how we deploy police in the city. I am committed to funding and resourcing communities to create and expand systems that support their neighbors’ safety and well-being through prevention and response beyond police and prisons. 

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A civilian flagger Civilian Flagger
They replace police on construction sites. They use hand signals and signs to stop and direct traffic at construction sites. They typically use large direction signs to tell drivers when to stop or proceed slowly. Flaggers might also answer questions about detours.
program would create hundreds of well-paying union jobs for historically over-policed communities hit the hardest by unemployment amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
To implement a citywide civilian flagger program, we will repeal Municipal Code 11-6.9e, Municipal Code 11-6.9e
Gives the Police Commissioner authority to determine the necessary number of law enforcement personnel on the scene of a road detail, but no less than one LEO.
which will create the legal ability for civilian flaggers to function within the city and collaborate with community organizers who call to redirect these jobs to the community.
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The Boston Police Department’s lack of transparency regarding their community grants process has made it difficult to understand the scope, process, and impact of the millions of dollars they redistribute to community-based organizations. I commit to strengthening transparency by critically reviewing grants, working to move more funding that’s decoupled from law enforcement directly into communities, and advocating that the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security shift control of the grants administration away from the Boston Police Department and into other city agencies or community-based organizations.

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Harm reduction programs, policies, and practices positively impact the health and well-being of people who use drugs and the broader community by reducing overdose death and the spread of infectious disease and providing critical linkage to more comprehensive healthcare. I will advance the City Council’s work to coordinate and expand existing harm reduction and treatment services. I will also work in partnership with municipal leaders, community-based providers, and public health experts to identify pathways and resources to develop these evidence-based, compassionate, and dignified strategies, including Supervised Consumption Sites and voluntary treatment, where they are most needed and will thus be most effective.

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Over the past few years, we have witnessed the Boston Police Department’s willingness to use chemical agents against Boston’s residents in disproportionate responses and shows of force. They have increasingly used devices designed to cause severe discomfort and pain to control or disperse crowds of people engaged in lawful protests and demonstrations. I support Councilor Arroyo’s ordinance to modify and restrict the use of chemical weapons and kinetic impact projectiles by the Boston Police Department. 


Paid for by The Committee to Elect Kendra Hicks. All Rights Reserved © 2020.